An upside down approach to optimism
In our #δεςτοαλλιώς campaign for Costa Coffee, we chose to take our own way to optimism...with a cup of change!

Campaign proposal
Communication Strategy

We suggest using the power of social media which can be described as the meeting point of the younger generation.

For the Instagram account, we propose an interactive and dynamic profile, with minimalistic and aesthetic content, which will use challenges and consistent content, to build an impactful storytelling universe.

We also suggest the use of the TikTok platform, which the brand has not yet expanded, with the creation of a Greek account highlighting the brand’s fun personality. This profile will use viral sounds, and challenges, create original content and fully interact with other accounts and users in the comment sections.

Target Audience & Persona

Regarding the Target Audience of our campaign proposal, they are GenZ and Millennials, who live in urban Greece, and like making coffee at home daily. They belong to the middle class and are recently financially responsible.

More specifically, the Campaign’s Persona is Tonia, a 23-year-old postgraduate student, who lives in Athens, and her hobbies are Yoga and drawing. As a personality, she is creative, yet an anxious introvert. She is trying to adopt a positive mindset and she scrolls through Instagram & TikTok for inspiration.

Creative Rational and the BIG IDEA

With our target audience in mind, we started brainstorming and gathering more information about this younger generation. We tried to figure out how a coffee brand could resonate with them and have enough of an impact on their daily lives that it could become recognizable without advertising solely the product, but selling them an idea!

Through our research (and a bit of our own psychological analysis as GenZ students), we discovered a generation with intense feelings. Specifically, our generation feels overwhelmed by our fast-paced lifestyle and a fear of missing out on all these moments and life experiences that are considered appropriate for our age. We also feel frustrated that Covid has put a pause in our lives, as well as, fed up with the political and economic scene. One thing is for sure though, we are a young generation that feels constantly uncertain about the future.

Yet, everyone around us expects us to make things better and create a brighter future for ourselves. But how? How can we create a better version of our world when everything around us feels… UPSIDE DOWN!

That’s where we thought Costa Coffee could help! We could build the image of a coffee brand that shows young people how to be optimistic in the simple moments of their daily lives.

We tried to “condense” our idea into a single, yet powerful, key message that could carry our optimism throughout the campaign:

“Όταν όλα πάνε ανάποδα, εσύ δες το από την άλλη”

(When everything seems “upside-down”, try to see it from a different perspective).

Media Strategy

Therefore, we developed our idea around the word #ανάποδα (upside-down) and its different meanings. Based on this, we created digital content for Costa Coffee’s social media, Instagram & Tiktok, as well as out-of-home advertising.

Specifically, starting with Instagram, we used carousel posts to encourage our audience to swipe left on their negative thoughts and adopt a different perspective, a positive outlook on every situation.

For example, when exams feel like a nightmare and you are studying at 2 in the morning, you need to look at it from a positive perspective, because sooner or later you’ll see the impact of your efforts and hear your name at the long-awaited graduation ceremony.

We experimented with our key message in different designs and we tried to apply our main theme of positivity to different everyday situations, aiming to create content that our audience could relate to.

Taking our idea a step further, we started thinking about all those moments in life when it’s worth seeing things upside down: before getting up from your bed in the morning, during a yoga class, or when you’re striving to gain those abs.

Additionally, since we wanted to connect our campaign with a younger generation of consumers, we could not pass up the advertising opportunities that derive from the world of memes! We used both, famous and new, meme formats with messages that are relatable to our young audience (the old Harold, POV, etc.).

There is no doubt that our generation has been scrolling through TikTok more and more in the last few years, so we wanted to create funny content on TikTok that would resonate with our audience. We put our idea into practice and created some examples of short-form videos with the hashtag #δεςτοαλλιώς, making fun of everyday situations.

Check out the TikToks we created

Aside from digital marketing, we decided that out-of-home advertising could be helpful for our campaign: an optimistic message printed on bus stops could cheer up every student, either going to university in the morning or returning home at night after an exhausting day.

Influencer Marketing

Most importantly, we want Costa Coffee to build its own unique character! What better way to achieve this than by collaborating with well-known comedians/influencers. Each in their personal style and way could present and spread our main idea through their platform.

For example, Atzarakis (a famous Greek comedian) could create comedic sketches with funny twists around the idea of upside-down.

On the other hand, Nikos Moutsinas (well-known actor and comedic TV persona), during the segment of his show called “solving your love problems”, he could give unpredictable advice saying #δεςτοαλλιώς.

Another great opportunity for influencer marketing is the young stand-up comedian Spilios Floros, who could create a funny video commenting on the top 10 «ανάποδους» (weird) people that you can meet in your everyday life.

Want to know more about our #ADandPRLAB projects?

Here is the detailed article for the fall semester of 2022-2023.

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